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renewable energy solutions

solar energy equipment supplier
battery storage
resource sector energy services
off grid solar power systems

  • Is solar for me?
    With all the factors to consider when deciding on installing a solar power system, you should focus on 5 key areas: 1. What is your energy usage? 2. How big will your solar system need to be? 3. When do you use the most power in the day? 4. How will your system be located on your roof or property? 5. What is an acceptable payback period for your system? When it's all said and done; PV panels provide 2 overarching benefits - they will significantly reduce your energy bills and they give you a clean source of sustainable power. With generous government incentives to install solar, you'll be surprised at how little your overall investment will be. CONTACT US today, and we can help you navigate through these questions and more to make sure your solar energy decision is the right one!
  • Which battery?
    Choosing a battery storage solution that best suits your needs can be challenging. Sifting through the growing range of options such as: brand, capacity, size, weight, discharge rates and the chemical composition - how can you be sure you've made the right choice? In trading off which technology you should go for, you have the choice between high energy or high power but rarely can a battery system achieve both. Here are some points to consider when selecting a solution that's right for you. ​ Depth of discharge When selecting a battery, it's important to know how much of that battery is usable in physical terms per charging cycle. The majority of batteries can't be completely drained of their stored energy as they are designed to maintain residual charge levels to maintain the integrity of their componentry. So if you see a battery solution specifying the performance of 4000 cycles at 60% depth of discharge, should the depth of discharge increase above the 60% - the number of cycles (or life of the battery) will decrease. An example of this could be a battery with a storage capacity of 6kWh, yet when it is fully discharged it maintains 1.2kWh stored, then its depth of discharge is considered to be 80%. Charging cycles This generally refers the transition between the charge and discharge of energy from the battery. ​ When looking at most typical applications, batteries generally go through one daily cycle. That is; a Photo voltaic (PV solar) system will provide enough energy to power a premises whilst completely charging a battery storage system, which in turn is discharged during the night (or periods of low/no light) when the PV system no longer generates power. ​ Generally speaking, batteries are designed to last about 10 years based on a typical cycling regime such as this however, certain factors can impact the life of the battery and its ongoing efficiency: Lack of maintenance, where the system requires - Variable (or volatile) discharge rates and depth - The battery operating temperature and conditions - How many cycles are fully completed - Speed and control of recharge - overcharge can cause battery failures So when you see a battery which offers a high number of cycles - does it mean that you're getting the most efficient battery for your dollar? Not necessarily. Let us cut through the jargon and provide you with a solution that ticks every box - CONTACT US
  • Off grid or hybrid energy system?
    Power prices are going up every year. ​ What is the best way to connect and configure your PV and battery storage system? Do you go completely off the electricity grid? Do you install a system designed to export your excess energy to the grid? Do you stay connected to the electricity grid purely as a back-up power source? ​ ​ We can answer these questions for you - because we know, like every user, every energy system is unique. ​ CONTACT US today, and we can help you to make sure your solar energy and battery storage decision is the right one!
Address: 1133 Hay Street, West Perth WA 6005
Telephone: 1300 765 007

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